Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Cure for Boredom

I remember when I was growing up, waaaay back in the 80's, we knew never to complain that we are bored. If we complained, we knew that something would be found for us to do, and chances are, it would not be fun. Why is it that in today's age, if some sort of electronic device in not in our hand, that we are bored?

Between video games, and phones, and pads, we have become reliant on various kinds of electronic hobbies. If these are taken away, gasp... the thought of it! We are suddenly bored with nothing to do.

When I was a child, I loved to read. I remember saving up money to go buy a paperback book to read. I LOVE the smell of a brand new paperback book. Fresh, crisp, with not a crease in the book. I was surrounded by avid readers in my mom and my aunt. I also remember bi-weekly trips to the library to check out books. I remember being in first grade beginning to read the Little House on the Prairie series. They were my favorite! My other favorite author was Judy Blume and I remember reading just about every single book that she wrote (during that time).

Where is this leading? I want to encourage my children to want to read a book. When I say want, I mean, that they legitimately want to pick up a book to read. I do not want to hear that they are bored, with nothing to do. I would love for them to want to pick up a book and read, without being asked to. Gasp! Reading a book for no reason????

I am going to restrict electronics and encourage reading.

Next, we will work on our creativity! Yay!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Change is good??? Right...

Before we moved from our beautiful mountainous town that was home for ten years for the great unknown, everyone said that change is good.

 For the most part change is good.

 How do you explain that to children that have difficulty with change and thrive with routine?

 Very carefully...

 We had been packing for a couple of months and in the process explaining the process and the children were actually getting excited for the new adventure.

 But was I?

 I really felt at home in our beautiful resort city, in fact, I called it home. My children were all settled in school, had almost daily therapies, and we had a routine. I loved living in a small town where you ran into someone you knew every place you went. You would strike up a conversation with a clerk at the grocery store, you would run into your children's doctor with their children, and the coffee shop visit was like visiting your best friend.

 I think I kept my feelings bottled up inside of me because I did not want to ruin the joy my husband felt from getting his promotion that was the reason for the move.

 Moving day came and I had my car packed to the gills (literally). I did not have the energy to cry when I left town, mostly because I was sore and exhausted! We were on our way to our new "home" (I say that loosely because my mountainous town was home). We moved from the mountains to farm country. I have lived in Idaho for ten years and before that, I have come to Idaho off and on since I can remember. But... I have never been to this part of the state, potato country. So we traded our mountain snow to WIND! There is snow here, but not as much as the mountains, but boy is it windy, almost EVERY day!

 It is nice to have a Walmart that is five minutes away instead of two hours away. If you need something from the store, instead of wondering if the two local stores have it, you can just make a quick trip to Walmart.

 So, some change has its advantages.

 To be continued...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What is your excuse?

I have started this blog multiple times and left it sitting aside too many times.  I have decided to restart it and make it my goal to post at least once a week.  Not that difficult, right? Right...

I do not like excuses!  I often times find myself justifying situations with "I was busy" or "my schedule was hectic."  Those are not lies, I do have a pretty busy schedule, but I do not want to make excuses for myself.  I am learning the importance of putting me up there and doing things that I love to do too.

I have three incredible children that all require multiple visits to multiple therapies or specialists.  The appointments for my children are my priorities and other things such as hobbies and "me time" have taken a backseat.

I have learned that my days are busy between school schedules and appointments for OT, PT, and ST are a way of life.  What I want to do is to learn how to incorporate my joys and hobbies into my daily life.

I LOVE photography!  I am not by any means saying that I am a great photographer.  I just love capturing the beauty and life around me.  I also enjoy scrapbooking and writing.  Again, I am not saying that I am great at any of those, but I would love to put those together and and see what I can come up with!

I will keep this post short and sweet!

What are your excuses that you make excuses for?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I have been on what I refer to as a, blog-cation.

What is a blog-cation?

It is where you have this wonderful blog, with so many things that you need to say and share.

But, the blog gets put on the back burner.

You know what?

I am back and I have so much that I want to say, that I will use this as my out put.

Will anyone read this?

Who knows, I am going to write this for me and only me.

If anyone along the way takes the time to read this.

I hope you enjoy it!

Talk to you soon!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Let's start over...

Okay, so I had every intention on keeping up with my blog.  Was it because I didn't have anything to say?  No, I think I was a little unsure on the direction that I wanted to go with my blog. Why ramble about nothing?  My point!  So I cleared a few posts, but had to keep my first post that was, 5 years ago!  Yes. you read that right, 5 years ago.

So, anyway, I decided that I wanted to start writing because, for one, I love to read blogs! I read blogs to get craft ideas, to get new recipes, or to read about what other families are going through. Instead of rambling on, which I will save for later, I will keep this short and sweet.



Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello old friend...

I have been thinking about blogging for awhile. I have started a couple of different blogs over the past couple of years. Never happy with them, I ended up just deleting them. Sigh... I have been taking so many pictures and needing to update family and friends, so I thought this would be the easiest way.
Instead of starting an entirely new blog, I thought I would just revisit this blog that I started 3 years ago and sadly, only posted twice in. Although, it is fun to see how much the boys have grown up and changed in that brief period.